The purpose of this Policy is to establish controls to ensure compliance by the Company and its related bodies corporate (Group Members) with all applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws and to ensure that the Company and the Group Members conduct its business within the scope of the Company's core values and commitments with honesty and integrity and in a socially responsible manner.
The purpose of this Charter is to specify the authority delegated to the Committee by the Board and to set out the role, responsibilities, membership and operation of the Committee.
The primary objective of risk management is to ensure that the Company appropriately manages its business and operating risks. This promotes stakeholder confidence in dealing with or investing in the Company.
The purpose of this Charter is to specify how the Company is governed so as to promote the Company and protect the interests of shareholders.
The Board is responsible for the governance of the Company. This Charter sets out the role and responsibilities of the Board, which responsibilities are delegated to committees of the Board or to management, as well as the membership and the operation of the Board.
As a publicly listed company, the Company has obligations under the Corporations Act and the NSX Listing Rules to keep the market fully informed of all information which may have, or could reasonably be expected to have, a material effect on the price or value of its securities. The NSX Listing Rules contain provisions requiring the continuous disclosure of information to keep the market informed of events and developments as they occur.
The Company is committed to promoting diversity within the Company and recognises the value of diversity in achieving the Company's corporate objectives and maximising value to shareholders.
The purpose of this Charter is to specify the authority delegated to the Committee by the Board and to set out the role, responsibilities, membership and operation of the Committee.
The Company is committed to complying with the Corporations Act and the NSX Listing Rules to create a transparent market in the trading of its securities on the NSX.
This Policy summarises the law relating to insider trading and sets out the Company’s trading policy on buying and selling any securities of the Company that are able to be traded on a financial market (Company’s Securities).
This policy outlines how the Company will deal with whistleblowing disclosures made in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act) and the Taxation Administration Act 1953 (Tax Act). This policy applies to eligible 'whistleblowers' who disclose information to an eligible recipient which is protected under the legislation. The purpose of this policy is to ensure individuals who disclose wrongdoing can do so safely, securely and with confidence that they will be protected and supported.